It has been an incredible year, and I have tried to capture every facial expression, every sound, every movement that she has made in the last year. It is amazing watching your "heart" grow up through their first year. She has developed so much and loves discovering new things every day.
She has been an amazing blessing to our family, and I wanted to make sure that her first birthday was as special as it could possibly be. (I know, I know, she won't remember it. But at least she will be able to see pictures!)
Thursday, February 10th, Nixon's Grandpa & Grandma Peters flew in to celebrate the special day. It only took a few minutes, and Nixon had already warmed up to them. On Friday, the 11th, we started the day by singing "Happy Birthday" to Nixon. She heard that song from me about 100 times the remainder of the day! We went out that night and celebrated with dinner with Grandpa & Grandma Mack, Grandpa & Grandpa Peters, and Uncle Ty. She enjoyed mashed potatoes, applesauce and raspberry ice cream. She LOVED every single bite! :) When Saturday, the 12th rolled around, she definitely realized that something special was happening when everyone showed up for her birthday party!
The birthday party was themed in Lady Bugs. Nixon wore the CUTEST lady bug outfit, and the whole place was decorated in Red, Black and White. She was a perfect social butterfly, and just like it was at Christmas, Nixon was showered with LOTS of gifts! She had a blast.
Here are the pictures of the birthday girl! Hope you enjoy!

February 11, 2011: Nixon turns 1 year old!

All ready for her Lady Bug Birthday Party!

A year ago, Mommy and Nixon were looking a whole lot different than this shot!

The start of Nixon's presents....Yes, there were more!

All the party snacks!

Lady Bug Cupcakes! :)

Nixon is the social butterfly!

Opening Presents
The Peters Girls

This is one of her favorite presents. I haven't been able to get this guitar out of her hands since the party!

Mike has been in training and wasn't able to fly out for Nixon's birthday. However we had him on FaceTime for the majority of the party so that he wouldn't miss out. THANK GOODNESS FOR TECHNOLOGY!!!

She really couldn't figure out what she thought of the candle!

She was being so dainty and delicate with the cupcake. I was expecting her to destroy the thing and make the biggest mess. But she kept taking small little bites!

FINALLY!!! We started making progress on the cupcake and getting it all over her face! :)

Birthday Girl and Mommy
The cutest Cake Face I've ever seen!
I absolutely love this girl! I still can't believe that she is already one year old! But I look forward to watching her grow each new day. She is my world and I couldn't imagine life without her! I love you baby girl! Happy Birthday!!!