Sunday, February 13, 2011


Ok, it is official....I am THE WORLDS WORST BLOGGER! It has been months since my last post, and obviously we have had A LOT of things happen with our little family.

Since my last post, we left off with Mike graduating boot camp. From boot camp, he had 12 weeks of A-school training to become a Hospital Corpsman. His A-school was located in Chicago which was 6 hours away from Nixon and I. It was still really hard being away from him, but we were able to talk every night on webcam and Nixon and I made the road trip to Chicago about every 3 weeks. It was also really nice having him somewhat close when the holidays rolled around, and he was able to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with Nixon and I.

Mike graduating A-school December 18th and officially became a Hospital Corpsman with the United States Navy. We were extremely proud of him, especially since he graduated as the leader of his class. He has done an amazing job in the Navy so far and has a lot of recognition already! :)

From A-school, Mike was assigned to FMTB (Fleet Marine Training). Since the Marines do not have a medical unit, they depend on the Navy, and the Hospital Corpsman have to go through Marine training as well. He is currently in Camp Pendleton, CA completing his training. It has been a lot more difficult having him that far away, especially with the 2 hour time difference. We still get to see him on Webcam, but Nixon is now limited to only seeing him on the weekends since she is in bed before he gets done with Training. It's also been hard having to be away from him in person longer than 3 weeks. We were definitely spoiled being able to travel and see him as much as we did. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Mike is scheduled to graduate FMTB March 24th! At that time he is free to finally live with Nixon and I again, and we have been assigned to live in San Diego, CA! (I see MANY beach days in our future!!!)

As for right now, I have LOVED watching Nixon grow up! Since August, she has crawled, talked, walked, and is now into EVERYTHING! But she is still the best baby that I could ever ask for! I am also doing a little schooling on the side, so that I can get a job out of our home and still enjoy watching her grow everyday! :)

We are looking forward to the next month. We will either be living back with Mike or we will be getting REALLY close to it! Until then, we will stay in MO until the middle of March. At that time we will make the move back to Arizona where we will patiently wait to find out when our home is ready. IT CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH!

Hopefully everyone is doing well, and I will TRY and be a lot better at the blogging!

Here is a few pictures from the last five months! Hopefully it gives you an idea of what we have been up to!

Visiting the "Pumpkin Patch" in Chicago! :)

Nixon is my "little monkey", so it is only fitting that we dressed up like a monkey and a banana! Happy Halloween! :)

Nixon's first Thanksgiving! :)

Mike is officially a Hospital Corpsman! Way to go, honey!!!

BEST date night EVER!!! At first Mike did not think that it was going to be his cup of tea. But in the end, we both REALLY enjoyed the show! One word...AMAZING!

Nixon's first Christmas...and may I say, She was a VERY good girl this year, and Santa left her LOTS of presents! :)

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