Monday, January 19, 2009

My Amazing Husband!!!!

Many of you know that Mike is a really active person....and if you don't know that, I'm sure that you have read about it through our blog. He has done triathlons, 1/2 marathons and is looking forward to training for the 1/2 Ironman this year! It is amazing to see the drive and determination that he has!

Every time he completes something I am so proud of him and have to share with everyone! Sunday (Jan 18th), Mike completed his first full marathon! (That is 26.2 miles in case you didn't know.) He had been planning on doing this for a couple of months and had his mind set.

We woke up at 4:45 on Sunday morning so that I could take them to the dropoff point. From there, I would go to different mile markers to cheer him on! Every time I would see him run past me, I was so proud and amazed at how he does it all! It is unbelievable to me, that a person can have the drive to run that long of a distance!

I am so happy that Mike was able to accomplish, yet again, another physically challenging goal! He is an inspiration to me and I couldn't be happier for him! Great job, Honey! I love you!!!


I am ecstatic....along with the rest of the state of Arizona, that the Arizona Cardinals are going to the SUPERBOWL!!!!

As many of you know, the Arizona Cardinals are not known as a good team in the NFL! That is why it was so surprising to everyone how well we have done this year! So well that we made it to the playoffs and beat out every team!

The Arizona Cardinals have NEVER been to the Superbowl, and I can't image what it will be like in the next couple of weeks! GO CARDINALS!!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sleeping Babies....

Mayhem and Chaos are still tearing up our house. They are at each other non stop and half the time you would think that they were killing each other! I have worried about leaving them in the same room with each other without supervision! They are extremely jealous of one another and I was starting to wonder if they would ever get over it!

However, I recently found out that this is all an act that they put on for Mike and I....In fact, they really do love each other!!!! The other day it was really quiet in our house and I went looking for my babies. I found them in our room cuddled up with each other sleeping. Since then, they are constantly sleeping by each other! And there are times when Chaos thinks Mayhem is too dirty, so he will give Mayhem a little tongue bath before he cozies up! It is the cutest thing and I thought all of you would enjoy! :)

Goodbye 2008...Hello 2009!

So if your holidays were anything like ours, you were BUSY!!!! We have done so much since Thanksgiving that I don't know where to start!

The month of November flew by! It started with our dad and brother coming down from Idaho to help Ashlee move into her place.
It was a short trip, but we still had fun spending time with each other. The first day consisted of work and then the rest of the time was playing around. We don't get to see my dad or brother too often, so when we get to, we try to have the best time!:)

At the end of November, we traveled down to San Diego to see our Stepbrother Kimball get married! It was a beautiful wedding and I absolutely love the San Diego Temple! There are so many of us on my mom's side that it was nice to be with everyone and take pictures! Hopefully we will get to do it more often!

December came REALLY fast, and was just as busy as November. We started off with taking our Christmas Card picture! :) Last year it was just Mike and I, so we decided to spice it up a bit and add our babies to it! We dressed Mayhem up in his Santa outfit and chaos got to be in the stocking! I thought it was the cutest thing, but Mike thinks I was torturing them! It made for a good card though. :)

We were really excited for Christmas this year because Mike and I were having it at our house! We were packed in here. Ammon and his friend came down from Idaho and my mom and Ty came up from Tucson. They were here the entire week and I loved every minute of it! We started off the week Christmas Caroling and delivering "goodies" to friend and neighbors...Mike was not too thrilled about caroling, but he was a good sport with it! The next night we had a gingerbread competition and Ammon's house turned out awesome! He is definitely the son of a bricklayer! My mom's birthday was the 23rd, so we dedicated the day to her. We went to Olive Garden and then went bowling afterwards. My mom kicked all of our butts! And Mike saw for the first time why we never go bowling....I am AWFUL! :) But we all had a blast and it was good to be with everyone.

Christmas Eve was really busy. We had our traditional Mexican Fiesta! We made so much food and then played our traditional Christmas Phase 10. We watched movies and then the boys played XBox. But it was soon time for Santa to come so we had to get to bed because we were waking up really early! We had to be up at 6am to be able to get to where all of us needed to go....Ty, Ammon, and Patrick (Ammon's friend) were going to Ty's dads house....Ashlee and Josh (her boyfriend) were going to Tucson, and Mike, my mom, and I were heading to Mike's families house. It was a busy day, but it was so fun to be with family.

After everyone left our house we were getting ready for New Years. We had told 3 different people that we would be stopping by their parties. So needless to say, our New Years Eve consisted of driving a lot! We had a really good time at every one's houses. We played games at one house and karaoked at the other one. Mike even surprise me by doing a little performance with Ramey and Josh! It was really nice to bring in the New Year with friends and each other! We had a great 2008 and we are excited to see what 2009 brings us! :)