We are all seeing the effects that our economy is having on everyone and everything. Friends, family, people at work, and Mike and I have been starting to watch our spending a little more. I have been hearing "Bah Hum-Bug" A LOT at work and when walking through stores where Christmas is being commercialized. At first I was in the same boat. Mike and I have to be very careful this Christmas and it has made me a little sad. My favorite part of Christmas is buying for others and seeing their faces when I give it to them! But then I had a reality check.
Every year it seems like Christmas is getting further and further away from its real meaning. People have been concentrating on the gifts, the trees, the decorations, the holiday movies more and more. Because of this everyone around us is not happy with the season this year. That is why I believe that this is the perfect year to bring Christ back into Christmas. He is our one true Savior that brings comfort to our hearts. We may not have money to celebrate Christmas, but it does not cost a penny to celebrate our Savior's Birth.
Because of these thoughts and feelings, I have been in the Christmas spirit more and earlier this year than I have in years. I am so grateful to have the faith and wisdom to bring me such comfort during these hard times.
Its not about the presents, its about Jesus Christ and the gift our Heavenly Father gave us when sending him to earth. With this Mike and I are wishing all of our Friends and Family a very Happy Holiday!